New Friends Album Discoveries

I’ve had several communications with a Young descendant who also has done genealogy research on the family. He has helped to identify several of the unnamed subjects in the Friends Album by supplying a photo of many Young ancestors in which the family members are id’ed.

He also provided me with the maiden name of Ellis Burton Wilson‘s mother, Susan. Guess what? She was a Young! That means he too was related to all the other known subjects so far. I’m still going to try and reunite the photo of Ellis with one of his grandsons, but barring that, I will send it to be put back in the Friends Album.

It’s really remarkable that everyone in the album may have belonged to the same family. New theories are cropping up among the Young descendants who have contacted me. One thinks that members of a branch of the family in New Jersey may have sold the album after an elderly relative passed away. Another theory is that still another branch of the family settled here in Maryland. Indeed, a Young descendant who lives in St. Michael’s did contact me, but the album did not belong to her family. The plot thickens.

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