Scrappy Saturday: Wall Prints

(c) 2010 Bayside Research Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

This week, I’ve posted about a research project that I did for a local B&B. The innkeepers wanted more than just a write-up about the building, however. They wanted something they could hang on their walls that would show off the building’s history.

Click on the image for a larger version. (c) 2010 Bayside Research Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

After researching the property, I went to the local historical society and found several old photos of the building over the years. After purchasing copies of these photos, I used Creative Memories’ Storybook Creator Plus 3.0 to create wall prints that the innkeepers can frame for the hallways of the bed-and-breakfast.

Through Creative Memories’ Digital Center, you can get prints of individual photos, standard 8×8″ or 12×12″ scrapbook page prints or even posters. Below is a design I created that could be printed at 16×24″.

Click on the image for a larger version. (c) 2010 Bayside Research Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Since delivering the prints to the inn, I’ve had the chance to eat dinner there. The innkeeper was so excited to show me the framed prints, which they’ve hung where all of the guests can see them. She said she’s incorporated them into her tour of the building.

If you would like to learn more about how to make wall prints from your photos, feel free to contact me!

Scrappy Saturday: Unscrapbooking

Many people associate scrapbooking with scads of paper, glue, stickers and people who have a lot of time to put it all together. And scrapbooking can be all that for those who are so inclined. I would love to be able to spend hours each week putting scrapbooks together, but such opportunities are a rarity for me. I think most people would say the same thing.

But there are other faster, simpler options out there for storing and displaying your photos. Check out these albums, which include slots for photos like many traditional photo albums. But these slots also can accommodate journaling boxes so you can tell a story, just like in a regular scrapbook. The number of journaling boxes you include is up to you. You also can slip pieces of pre-cut photo mounting paper behind your photos or on their own to further enhance your album. No glue, cropping or stickers required.

Create a quick “unscrapbook” using the following (always photo-safe) Creative Memories products:

Picfolio Albums

Picfolio Milestones Coversets and Pages

Milestones Kits (photo-mounting paper and journaling box sets)

Scrappy Saturday: Help Zone

Whether you are into digital scrapbooking or traditional, Creative Memories’ Help Zone has ideas and assistance for your design needs and product questions.

If you are interested in trying digital scrapbooking, the Help Zone has tips and product walkthroughs to familiarize you with their software. Be sure to check out the webinars for design ideas.

There’s online help for traditional projects too! Check out faqs on everything from how to care for your photos to how to replace trimmer blades.

Scrappy Saturday: Going Once, Going Twice

Just a quick post to let you genealogy-minded digital scrapbookers know that Creative Memories is preparing to launch a new line of products. To do so, they will be phasing out older content including the Vintage Digital Power Palette, which lends itself well to older photos and family stories. If these papers and embellishments are of interest, download them now, before it’s too late! This package and others will only be available through Feb. 28.

Scrappy Saturday: Preserve Your Blizzard Memories

As I write this post on Friday night, I recall a mention on the news that today, every state in the U.S. will have snow on the ground. I have my doubts about Hawaii, but I know here in Maryland that’s certainly the case.

I took tons of pictures during the snow storms we’ve had here over the past week. I also took some time out today to write up my memories of the past eight days or so.

The recent storms have been record-setting and won’t soon be forgotten. Many years from now, we’ll be reminiscing about the power outages, sledding, shoveling and cozy fires. Take some time to record your memories before the details slip away.

I’ll be including my photos and write-up as part of my 365 Project. You probably have dozens of pictures on your camera or laptop right now. Take some time to get them into a scrapbook soon and include notes about what you did during the recent storm(s). What did you eat? Did you lose power? How did you cope? Years from now, you’ll get a kick out of re-reading your notes and seeing the photos. You’ll be glad you took the time to preserve these snowy memories.

Here are some ideas:

Use Creative Memories’ 8×8 Winter Wonderfland Picfolio Quick Kit to display your printed photos quickly. This all-in-one package includes the album, paper and embellishments you’ll need to tell your story about the Blizzard(s) of 2010.

Digital scrapbookers might like Creative Memories’ Cozy Winters Digital Kit paper and embellishments for their digital pages. Download all you need straight to your computer.

Commemorate the historic snowfall with a mug, poster, t-shirt or page print using CM’s Digital Center* and your own photos.

* Help a girl out and use CM ID 65148777 if prompted for a consultant ID 😉

Scrappy Saturday: Framed

Getting ready for Scanfest.

On the last Sunday of every month, genealogists and others set aside a few hours for Scanfest. We gather our old photos and documents, set up our scanners and scan away while we chat online. It’s a good practice to scan as much as you can, for preservation purposes at the very least. Having the scheduled time set aside to do so helps me to make sure I get it done.

This past Sunday, I decided to take all of my old family photos out of their frames and scan them. I was dismayed to discover that a photo of my grandma, my mom and one of my aunts appeared to have moisture damage. The bottom of the picture has the tell-tale warp of one that’s gotten wet.

The photo won't lay flat due to moisture damage.

On the back of the frame, I noticed what look like mildew spots. Perhaps this photo was stored in a box that got wet or was simply on display in an environment with high humidity.

In the bottom-left corner are mildew spots.

Closer shot of the mildew damage.

I scanned the photo and decided to ditch at least the back of its original frame, plus the cardboard pieces that were used to stabilize the photo in the frame. I put the photo (which I think may actually be a scan and not the original) into a photo-safe storage box until I can find a new frame for it.

When you find photos like this, it’s best not to put them back in the same environment that caused the damage. You should try to isolate the damaged photo from other materials because it may still retain moisture that can spread to other photos and papers if you are not careful.

In general, it’s best to keep photos, books and documents in a place without temperature fluctuations and with low humidity. Since that is not always possible, I recommend setting aside time to scan your family photos and other heirlooms. At the very least, you may want to take inventory of the older photos/frames that you have and check them for moisture, dust and other damage that could be causing your photos to deteriorate.

If you are interested in joining a future Scanfest, watch the AnceStories blog for the announcement of the next session and a link to the chatroom. Scanfest usually takes place from 2-5 p.m. EST/11 a.m.-1 p.m. PST.

Scrappy Saturday: Traditional Scrapbooking Ideas

CM Traditional Challenge #1 Example

Last week, I posted about getting into digital scrapbooking via Creative Memories’ digital challenges. For those who hold physical trimmers and paper near and dear, there are also plenty of options.

CM’s Project Center has a section devoted to traditional scrapbooking, including a Project Idea of the Day. The projects include traditional scrapbook pages and other ways to use CM’s materials.

CM has also started a challenge series for traditional scrapbooking. Challenge #1 was posted on Facebook just this week.

As always, please contact me if you have questions about CM products!

Scrappy Saturday: Go Digital with CM’s Digi Challenges

I’m going to try a new blogging theme–Scrappy Saturday–to let you all know what’s out there for those interested in either digital or traditional scrapbooking. This week, my focus is getting into digital scrapbooking by participating in various online challenges being run by Creative Memories.

What you’ll need:

* try it before you buy it by downloading a free version first!

You can find out about ongoing Digi Challenges by following the CM team on Facebook. Check out their Events tab for the current challenges.

I’m participating in the 365 Project: I take at least one photo everyday and then create a one- or two-page spread at the end of the week. At the end of the year, I’ll have all of the highlights of 2010 ready to publish as a Storybook.

If that sounds daunting, there are plent of mini challenges you can participate in to get the feel for digital scrapbooking. These challenges are a great way to get to know the software and the different capabilities that are there for designing your own pages and using existing designs.

My response to Digi Challenge #9

I recently completed Digi Challenge #9. A layout was provided and all I needed was to select two of my photos to include. I got to pick 4 different papers and 3 embellishments to complement the photos. Then, I needed to fill in one journaling box and I was done. It’s fun to see how others responded to the challenge as well.

If you’ve been thinking about trying digital scrapbooking, but don’t know where to start, try out one of these challenges and see where it takes you. Digital scrapbooking is fast and easy. You can more easily share the results of your digital creations with far-flung friends and relatives than you can with a traditional scrapbook.

One extra benefit to using CM’s digital scrapbooking software is that you create archived versions of your photos and designs with their system almost without having to think about it. By regularly backing up your CM files, you’ll ensure your memories are safe for years to come.

If you have questions about CM’s digital scrapbooking products, please drop me a note!